Get the latest updates, news about Parineeti Chopra's upcoming film 'Saina'. It is a biographical sports film directed by Amole Gupte and produced T-Series’ Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar & Front Foot Pictures’ Sujay Jairaj & Rasesh Shah. The film is based on the life of Badminton player Saina Nehwal. Parineeti Chopra is playing the titular role as Saina Nehwal. It is set to release on 26 March 2021.
Check the Poster of Saina
The first poster of this Biopic film was released on Tuesday, in this new poster of 'Saina', one hand is visible, which is in the air. A tricolor band is also visible in the hand. The name of the film is written in place of the shuttlecock's feathers.
Star Cast Details
Parineeti Chopra as Saina Nehwal
Manav Kaul as Pullela Gopichand
Paresh Rawal as Harvir Singh Nehwal
Parineeti Chopra announced the release date on social media with the teaser of this film. At the end of the teaser, Parineeti Chopra delivered a dialogue "Saamne koi bhi ho, Main toh bas maar dungi." The film is set to release on date 26 March 2021 in cinemas.