Check the latest updates and news about Vidyut Jamwal's upcoming film 'Sanak'. It will be an action-thriller film. Vidyut Jammwal and Rukmini Maitra are in the lead role. The film is produced by Vipul Shah and directed by Kanishka Verma. The film also features Neha Dhupia and Chandan Roy Sanyal. Vidyut is working with Vipul Shah for the fifth time. The first look, the poster of this film has already released.
Check the First look of Sanak
The makers of this film have released a total of three posters, one of which is seen in a poster lying on a stretcher and operating a machine gun. Rukmini Maitra marks her debut in this film, She started her career in films with the 2017 film Champ.
Sanak Movie Star Cast
Vidyut Jammwal
Rukmini Maitra
Neha Dhupia
Chandan Roy Sanyal
Release date:
Not Announced