Vidyut Jamwal's upcoming film 'Sanak' first look, the poster has been released, will be seen in an action avatar. The film is produced by Vipul Shah and directed by Kanishka Verma. In the film, Vidyut will be seen playing the main lead role. Vidyut is working with Vipul Shah for the fifth time.
The makers of this have released a total of three posters, one of which is seen in a poster lying on a stretcher at a location like Vidyalaya Hospital and operating a machine gun. The film stars Rukmini Maitra, Neha Dhupia, and Chandan Roy Sanyal in the roles.
Earlier, Vipul Shah has given so many action films like Commando Franchise, Holiday, Singh is King to the audience.
Sanak" would also mark the debut of Bengali actor Rukmini Maitra. She started her career in films with the 2017 film Champ. Rukmini has done five films with the action hero Dev of Bengali cinema.