Baby Girl best lines for WhatsApp updates, This is the latest Punjabi song which is sung by Guru Randhawa and Dhvani Bhanushali while the song is composed and written by Guru Randhawa and video is featuring Guru Randhawa & Dhvani Bhanushali, both are looking cool. The video directed by Remo D'Souza. The music of this song is given by Vee.
Here we have collected some best short lyrics lines from Baby Girl Song for status updates. so here just save your favourite lines and make your WhatsApp status updates.
Baby Girl Lyrics for Status
"Hoke ni taiyar
Kithe chali ghar toh baahar
Tainu kihda intezar
Baby girl baby girl"
"Hoke ve taiyar
Chali shopping nu haan yaar
Tere dil na chakk le baahar
Sanam your girl baby girl baby"
"Kanna layi jhumki lai de ve
Hathan layi kangan lai de ve
Jehdi gall sunan nu dil kare
Mainu I love you vi keh de ve"
Kanna layi jhumki lai dunga
Hathan layi kangan lai dunga
Je tu zindagi mere naam kare
Tainu I love you vi keh dunga
"High rated tera yaar
Tu lagdi ae Lambo car
Tere wargi na mutiyaar
Baby girl baby girl"
"Hai mehnga mera dil
Nahio sasta jaana mil
Tu kuchh karke taan vekha
Mere mummy nu mana"
"Tu ik vaari karde haan
vekhi paa deyuga jatt gaah
Dede dil de vich jagah
Mummy daddy leyu mana"