The release date of the Tamil movie Jailer is scheduled for August 10, 2023. It is an action thriller film directed by Nelson Dilipkumar and produced by Sun Pictures. The film stars Rajinikanth as the lead actor, alongside Shiva Rajkumar, Tamannaah, Ramya Krishnan, Sunil, Jackie Shroff, Vasanth Ravi, Vinayakan, Yogi Babu, Mohanlal, and Dancer Rameshmore.
Jailer Film Story
The film's story revolves around a crime syndicate that attempts to free its leaders from prison. The warden of the jail, Muthuvel Pandian (Rajinikanth), foils the efforts by putting on a show for the remaining criminals.
The film's music is composed by Anirudh Ravichander and the cinematography is handled by Sukumar. The film's editing is done by R. Nirmal.
Jailer Star cast Details
- Rajinikanth as Muthuvel Pandian
- Mohanlal
- Jackie Shroff
- Shiva Rajkumar
- Sunil
- Ramya Krishnan
- Vinayakan
- Mirnaa Menon
- Tamannaah Bhatia
- Vasanth Ravi
- Nagendra Babu
- Yogi Babu
- Jaffer Sadiq
- Kishore
- Billy Muralee
The film is scheduled to be released in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi languages.
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