The teaser of upcoming film Runway 34 has been released. It is an upcoming Hindi-language thriller film that is directed and produced by Ajay Devgn. Ajay Devgn, Amitabh Bachchan Rakul Preet Singh, Angira Dhar and Aakanksha Singh are in the lead roles. It is set to release on 29 April 2022.
It is a 48-second long video, the teaser opens with visuals of a plane flying in stormy weather; Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet are in the cockpit. Runway34 is inspired by true events. It is the story of Captain Vikrant Singh played by Ajay Devgn and the fateful incident that changed it all. Amitabh Bachchan is playing the role of an investigative officer.
The tagline of Runway 34 Film : "The truth is hidden 35,000 feet above the ground.