The teaser of Kartik Aaryan's upcoming film Dhamaka has been released. Karthik Aryan is playing the role of a news anchor in this teaser. Dhamaka will release on Netflix, and its first teaser was shared on Tuesday. It is directed by Ram Madhvani and produced by Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP Movies and Ram Madhvani Films in association with Lotte Cultureworks, Globalgate Entertainment & Lionsgate.
In this teaser, Kartik in a newsroom and sitting in front of the camera in his studio, he is looking so nervous says, "Stop, stop this camera." He says that this show will not happen to me. But the team standing in front encourages them and at the end of the teaser, Karthik says, Main hoon Arjun Pathak Jo Bhi Kahunga Sach Kahunga. As a news anchor, he is reporting an incident of a bomb-blast in realtime.