Tuck Jagadish images, pictures and also check the looks of Nani from this film. It is an upcoming Telugu-language action film which is directed by Shiva Nirvana and produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under the banner Shine Screens. Nani, Ritu Varma, Aishwarya Rajesh and Jagapathi Babu are in the lead roles. The film is scheduled to release on 23 April 2021. The teaser of this film has already released and received a great response. Nani is looking so dashing in this film. Here we have collected the latest images, pictures and wallpapers of Tuck Jagadish film.
Tuck Jagadish Movie Images, HD Wallpapers | Nani, Ritu Varma Looks
Sunday, February 28, 2021