Bhajarangi 2 images, pictures and also get the looks, images of Shivarajkumar. It is an upcoming Kannada film. The film is directed by A.Harsha and produced by Jayanna, Bogendra. Dr. Shivarajkumar, Bhavana, Shruthi, Bhajarangi Loki are in the lead role. It is a full action-packed film, Shiva Rajkumar are in a new look and doing so many action sequences in this film. The film teaser has already released, the teaser is really amazing, the VFX of this film is also awesome, It will be a big hit film. Here we have collected some beautiful images of Bhajarangi 2 film.
Bhajarangi 2 Images, Pictures
Watch Here: Bhajarangi 2 Teaser