Disco Raja images, photo ad also check the looks, beautiful images of Ravi Teja, Payal Rajput and Nabha Natesh from Disco Raja movie. It is one of the most awaited Telugu films of year 2020. Ravi Teja, Payal Rajput and Nabha Natesh are playing the lead role. It is an action film directed by VI Anand and produced by Rajini Talluri under SRT Entertainments.
The first teaser of this film has already released, Ravi Teja is in multiple avatars in this film. The music of this film is composed by Thaman. Disco Raja is based on a medical project which is rejected by the Indian Council of Medical Research. It is a big-budget film and scheduled to release on January 24, 2020. Here check the images, photo of Disco Raja Movie.
Watch Here: The Teaser of Disco Raja
The first teaser of this film has already released, Ravi Teja is in multiple avatars in this film. The music of this film is composed by Thaman. Disco Raja is based on a medical project which is rejected by the Indian Council of Medical Research. It is a big-budget film and scheduled to release on January 24, 2020. Here check the images, photo of Disco Raja Movie.