The wait is over! Aamir Khan upcoming film 'Lal Singh Chaddha' first look has been released, After a long time, Aamir Khan has shared his first look poster on social media, and wrote Sat Sri Akal Ji, Main Lal… Lal Singh Chadha ??
Aamir is playing the role of a Punjabi in Laal Singh Chaddha. The film is written by Atul Kulkarni, the film is helmed by "Secret Superstar" director Advait Chandan and will be produced by Viacom18 Studios and Aamir Khan Productions. The movie is set to release in next year Christmas 2020. The film is the remake of Tom Hanks' Hollywood film 'Forrest Gump.
Kareena Kapoor is playin the female lead role opposite Aamir Khan in the film Lal Singh Chadha. Both have already worked together in films like 3 Idiots and Talaash earlier this year. Now after almost 9 years both Aamir and Kareena are going to be seen on the big screen.
Check: Lal Singh Chaddha First Look, Poster
Aamir Khan looks totally different in a pink check shirt and pink turban. Fans are always excited about his film, The film is going to release on the next year 2020.