The trailer of Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor upcoming film 'Good News' has been released. Akshay and Kareena, Diljit Dosanjh and Kiara Advani are playing the lead role in this film, It is a comedy-drama film about two couples tryst with in vitro fertilisation. The film is directed by debutant Raj Mehta and produced by Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, Hiroo Yash Johar, Shashank Khaitan.
The film concept is slightly different. The trailer is really funny and full of some amazing scenes. Kareena and Akshay reach the hospital through IVF in search of the child, where Diljit and Kiara meet. Due to the mistake of doctors, Akshay's sperm gets mixed up in Kiara's egg and Diljit's sperm in Kareena's egg. Seeing the awesome comedy of Akshay and Diljit, you will laugh and laugh. For more, you have to watch this film.
The film concept is slightly different. The trailer is really funny and full of some amazing scenes. Kareena and Akshay reach the hospital through IVF in search of the child, where Diljit and Kiara meet. Due to the mistake of doctors, Akshay's sperm gets mixed up in Kiara's egg and Diljit's sperm in Kareena's egg. Seeing the awesome comedy of Akshay and Diljit, you will laugh and laugh. For more, you have to watch this film.
Watch Here! Good Newwz Movie Trailer
Good News' is directed by Raj Mehta. Recently posters of this film were released, in which both Kareena and Kiara are pregnant and stuck between Diljit and Akshay Baby Bump. The film is releasing on 27 December 2019.