The trailer of Sanjay Dutt upcoming film Prasthanam has been released. It is a political action drama film which is directed by Deva Katta, who has written and directed the original film too. Prasthanam is the remake of a Telugu film of the same name. The film is produced by Sanjay's wife Maanayata Dutt. Prasthanam will hit the theatres on September 20, 2019.
Sanjay Dutt, Ali Fazal, Manisha Koirala, Satyajeet Dubey, Chunky Pandey, and Jackie Shroff are playing the lead role. Sanjay Dutt's intense look and character are seen in the trailer. Sanjay Dutt is playing the role of a leader in it. The trailer is full power-packed dialogues and also some amazing action sequences.
Starring: Sanjay Dutt, Manisha Koirala, Jackie Shroff, Chunky Panday, Ali Fazal, Satyajeet Dubey & Amyra Dastur.
Directed by: Deva Katta
Produced by: Sanjay S Dutt Productions & Maanayata Dutt
In Cinemas on 20th September.
Check: Prassthanam Movie Hit Dialogues
Sanjay Dutt, Ali Fazal, Manisha Koirala, Satyajeet Dubey, Chunky Pandey, and Jackie Shroff are playing the lead role. Sanjay Dutt's intense look and character are seen in the trailer. Sanjay Dutt is playing the role of a leader in it. The trailer is full power-packed dialogues and also some amazing action sequences.
Starring: Sanjay Dutt, Manisha Koirala, Jackie Shroff, Chunky Panday, Ali Fazal, Satyajeet Dubey & Amyra Dastur.
Directed by: Deva Katta
Produced by: Sanjay S Dutt Productions & Maanayata Dutt
In Cinemas on 20th September.
Check: Prassthanam Movie Hit Dialogues