Nawazuddin Siddiqui upcoming movie 'Bole Chudiyan' teaser out now, which is shared by Nawazuddin on his Instagram. Nawaz is playing the role of a bangle-seller and Tamannaah is palying the role of a village girl. It will be a romantic film which is directed by Nawazuddin's brother, Shamas Nawab Siddiqui and produced by Rajesh Bhatia and Kiren Zaveri Bhatia.
Anurag Kashyap and Rajpal Yadav, Kabir Duhan Singh, Rajpal Yadav and Aditya Srivastava are also in supporting role. The film 'Bole Chudiyan' is based on Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s Real Life incident.
Watch Here! The Promo of Bole Chudiyan
Anurag Kashyap and Rajpal Yadav, Kabir Duhan Singh, Rajpal Yadav and Aditya Srivastava are also in supporting role. The film 'Bole Chudiyan' is based on Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s Real Life incident.
Watch Here! The Promo of Bole Chudiyan