Taapsee Pannu, Bhumi Pednekar upcoming film 'Saand Ki Aankh' teaser out, It is an upcoming biopic drama film which is directed by Tushar Hiranandani and produced by Anurag Kashyap, Reliance Entertainment and Nidhi Parmar. Bhumi Pednekar, Tapsee Pannu and Prakash Jha are in the lead role and the role name is Bhumi Pednekar as Chandro Tomar, Tapsee Pannu as Prakashi Tomar.
The film is a biopic based on the life of sharpshooters Chandro Tomar and her sister-in-law Prakashi Tomar. It is slated to release on 25 October 2019. The teaser is really very funny and full of some amazing dialogues and lines, and the performances of both actress Taapsee Pannu, Bhumi Pednekar are outstanding.
The film is a biopic based on the life of sharpshooters Chandro Tomar and her sister-in-law Prakashi Tomar. It is slated to release on 25 October 2019. The teaser is really very funny and full of some amazing dialogues and lines, and the performances of both actress Taapsee Pannu, Bhumi Pednekar are outstanding.