NGK film teaser out, The official teaser of Suriya’s upcoming film NGK Nandha Gopalan Kumaran has released now which is written and directed by Selvaraghavan. Suriya, Sai Pallavi, and Rakul Preet Singh are playing the lead roles while Jagapati Babu plays a pivotal role. The film is being produced by S. R. Prakashbabu and S. R. Prabhu of Dream Warrior Pictures. The film is going to be dubbed in the Telugu language as the same title.
Movie - NGK
Starring - Suriya, Sai Pallavi, Rakul Preet Singh
Music - Yuvan Shankar Raja
Written & Directed by Selvaraghavan
Movie - NGK
Starring - Suriya, Sai Pallavi, Rakul Preet Singh
Music - Yuvan Shankar Raja
Written & Directed by Selvaraghavan
I have watched first day first show. NGK is awesome really. Suriya always semma cute in NGK.