Meet the Love Sonia movie actress Mrunal Thakur who is playing the main title role named Sonia. This is an upcoming movie directed by Tabrez Noorani and produced by David Womark. So many actors are working together like Freida Pinto, Demi Moore, Manoj Bajpayee, Richa Chadda, Anupam Kher, Adil Hussain, Rajkummar Rao, and Sai Tamhankar.
Mrunal Thakur is a famous television actress and model who appears in Marathi movies. She is mostly known for her role as Bulbul in Kumkum Bhagya. She has already worked in many TV serials. She was born in a Marathi family. She completed B.Tech, TYBMM from K.C College. Currently, she is debuting in Bollywood movie by this film Love Sonia. She is also working in another upcoming Bollywood movie Super 30 with Hrithik Roshan. Here we have collected some beautiful images and wallpapers of Mrunal Thakur.
Mrunal Thakur Biography
Mrunal Thakur is a famous television actress and model who appears in Marathi movies. She is mostly known for her role as Bulbul in Kumkum Bhagya. She has already worked in many TV serials. She was born in a Marathi family. She completed B.Tech, TYBMM from K.C College. Currently, she is debuting in Bollywood movie by this film Love Sonia. She is also working in another upcoming Bollywood movie Super 30 with Hrithik Roshan. Here we have collected some beautiful images and wallpapers of Mrunal Thakur.