Junooniyat is the upcoming bollywood movie which is directed by Vivek Agnihotri and produced by Bhushan Kumar. Main lead roles are playing by Pulkit Samrat and yami Gautam. After working in Sanam Re movie both are again working in this movie. Junooniyat Movie trailer is released and out, This is the musical love story movie. In this trailer both are looking awesome and cute.
Pulkit Samrat And Yami Gautam Upcoming Movie Junooniyat Trailer Out
Directed : Vivek Agnihotri
Produced : Bhushan Kumar
Screenplay : Vivek Agnihotri and Priti Singh
Starring : Pulkit Samrat, Yami Gautam, Gulshan Devaiah, Hrishita Bhatt
Music : Ankit Tiwari, Himesh Reshammiya, Jeet Ganguly
Release dates : June 24, 2016