The Wait is over! Nani upcoming movie's Saripodhaa Sanivaaram trailer has been released, It is an upcoming Telugu-language vigilante action thriller film starring Nani in the lead role. The film is directed by Vivek Athreya and produced by D. V. V. Danayya under DVV Entertainment. The movie is set to release on August 29, 2024.
The film promises high-octane action sequences as Nani takes on the role of a vigilante. Based on the title, which translates to "Saturday of the Cloth Merchant," the movie is likely to touch upon social issues and injustice. The music is composed by Jakes Bejoy, while cinematography and editing are handled by Murali G. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is scheduled to be released worldwide on 29 August 2024.