After divorce with Malaika and breakup with Georgia Andriani, 56 year old Arbaaz Arbaaz Khan finally married makeup artist Shura Khan on Sunday 24th December 2023 in a private Nikah ceremony at his sister Arpita Khan Sharma's residence in Mumbai. The wedding celebrations had started on Sunday afternoon itself. Son Arhaan, brother Salman Khan, parents Salim Khan-Salma, Raveena Tandon attended the second wedding of actor Arbaaz Khan.
Who is Shura Khan?
Shura Khan is a famous makeup artist of Bollywood. He has 13.2k followers on Instagram. She is the makeup artist of Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon and her daughter Rasha Thadani. She has been worked with many Bollywood celebrities.
Shura Khan was born in the year 5th July 1982 in London . she is 41 years old. She made his Bollywood debut with Arjun Kapoor's film Aurangzeb. Which was released in the year 2013. After this she was seen in her next film Desi Katte.
How did you meet Arbaaz Khan?
Both of them met on the sets of Arbaaz Khan's new film 'Patna Shukla'. Which will be released next year in 2024.
Arbaaz's first marriage was with Malaika Arora. They separated in 2016 and were officially divorced in 2017. They have a 21 year old son Arhaan Khan.