The first look of Panchayat season three has been released on Saturday by Amazon Prime Video. The image features the beloved Jitendra Kumar reprising his role as Abhishek Tripathi, the endearing 'Sachiv' of Phulera village.
The first look shows Abhishek riding his iconic bike with a bag hanging on his shoulder.The second photo in the post shows other characters of the show, including Banrakas, Vinod and Madhav, which are played by Durgesh Kumar, Ashok Pathak and Bulloo Kumar respectively, sitting on a bench. The wall behind them says, “Thokar lagti hai to dard hota hai, tabhi manushya seekh pata hai. The series is directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra and is expected to release on Amazon Prime Video sometime in 2024.
Check Here: The First Look of Panchayat
Along with Jitendra Kumar, the cast of Panchayat 3 also includes Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta, Chandan Roy, and Ritwik Bhowmik, who reprise their roles from the previous seasons. The series is known for its heartwarming portrayal of rural life, quirky characters. The first part of the Panchayat web series was released in the year 2020. After this, the second part of this series returned in the year 2022 now the fans are eager for the release of Panchayat 3.