The wait is over! The trailer of the upcoming Bollywood movie Chehre is out, It is a mystery thriller film starring Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi. The film is directed by Rumy Jafry and produced by Anand Pandit Motion Pictures & Saraswati Entertainment Private Limited. Annu Kapoor, Krystle D'Souza, Rhea Chakraborty, Drithiman Chatterjee, Raghubir Yadav, and Siddhanth Kapoor are also in supporting roles. The film will be released on 9 April 2021. In this entire trailer, the dialogue between Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi has been given as a lawyer and a criminal.
Chehre Trailer Released | Amitabh Bachchan, Emraan Hashmi
Thursday, March 18, 2021