The trailer of Aadhar Movie has been released. The film will be released in theatres on 5 February. The film is based on the struggle of a man from a small village in Jharkhand to get Aadhaar card. The film tries to show the difference between rich and poor. The film is directed by Bengali film 'Podokkhep' award-winning filmmaker Suman Ghosh. Raghubir Yadav, Saurabh Shukla and Sanjay Mishra are playing the main lead role.
The beginning of the trailer of Aadhaar shows that a government team arrives in the village which motivates people to make Aadhaar cards. Have you heard of 'India Shining', India Shining means our Bharat is going to become India soon. The people of the village are surprised that Bharat and India are different? There is a dialogue in the trailer that it has been 70 years of independence and our village is not yet in India. Aadhaar Film is being released in theatres on 5 February 2021.