Mahesh Babu upcoming film, Sarileru Neekevvaru teaser has been released. It is a Telugu-language action film written and directed by Anil Ravipudithe. Mahesh Babu and Rashmika Mandanna are in the lead role while Vijayashanti, Prakash Raj, Pradeep Rawat, Hari Teja, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Prasad, Subbaraju, Vennela Kishore, Ajay and Anasuya Bharadwaj are in supporting role. The film is scheduled to be theatrically released on 11 January 2020 during the Makar Sankranti festival.
The teaser shows the Mahesh Babu character, who plays an army officer named Army Commando Ajay Krishna in the film, He pays rich tribute to soldiers who sacrifice their lives at the border for the rest of the country. In this teaser, He is doing military operations against the terrorists in Kashmir. Overall the teaser is really amazing full of amazing scenes, amazing dialogues and especially Mahesh Babu performances.
The teaser shows the Mahesh Babu character, who plays an army officer named Army Commando Ajay Krishna in the film, He pays rich tribute to soldiers who sacrifice their lives at the border for the rest of the country. In this teaser, He is doing military operations against the terrorists in Kashmir. Overall the teaser is really amazing full of amazing scenes, amazing dialogues and especially Mahesh Babu performances.