Darshan upcoming Kannada film 'Odeya' teaser out, It is an action film which is directed by MD Shridhar, and produced by Sandesh Nagaraj. Darshan, Sanah Thimmayyah, Devaraj are in the lead role. The shooting of the film was wrapped up in Switzerland last week. Arjun Janya has composed the songs and V Harikrishna has given the background score. Odeya is likely to clash with Salman Khan and Sudeep-starrer Dabangg 3.
Film: Odeya
Music: Arjun Janya
Lyricist: Jayanth Kaikini, DR.V Nagendra Prasad, Kaviraj
Starcast: Challenging Star Darshan, Sanah Thimmayyah, Devaraj
Film: Odeya
Music: Arjun Janya
Lyricist: Jayanth Kaikini, DR.V Nagendra Prasad, Kaviraj
Starcast: Challenging Star Darshan, Sanah Thimmayyah, Devaraj