The trailer of the upcoming movie Satellite Shankar has been released now. After a long time, Sooraj Pancholi is back on the silver screen journey of Satellite Shankar connecting India. His last film was Hero which was released in 2015. It is an action drama film, starring Sooraj Pancholi and Megha Akash in the lead roles and which is written and directed by Irfan Kamal.
The film based on the life of Indian soldiers, tells a story of the adventures of Indian soldiers (played by Pancholi). The film was shot in so many locations across the country including places like Chitkul in Himachal Pradesh and Agra in Uttar Pradesh. Megha Akash who is making her Bollywood debut through this film. The film is scheduled to be released on 15 November 2019
The film based on the life of Indian soldiers, tells a story of the adventures of Indian soldiers (played by Pancholi). The film was shot in so many locations across the country including places like Chitkul in Himachal Pradesh and Agra in Uttar Pradesh. Megha Akash who is making her Bollywood debut through this film. The film is scheduled to be released on 15 November 2019