TV serial famous actor Karanveer Bohra's upcoming movie "Hume Tumse Pyar Kya Kitna Trailer" has been released. Priya Banerjee is playing the main female lead role with Karanveer Bohra. The movie trailer is 2 minutes and four seconds. Karanveer is a psycho lover in the film. Apart from Karanvir Bohra, Priya Banerjee, Juhi Chawla will also be seen in the film. The film will be released on June 28.
Directed by: Lalit Mohan
Produced by Mahendra Bohra & Belvie Productions
Presented by: Jitendra Gulati
Directed by: Lalit Mohan
Produced by Mahendra Bohra & Belvie Productions
Presented by: Jitendra Gulati