The wait is over! Sonchiriya Trailer has released now, This is another upcoming film of Sushant Singh Rajput and Bhumi Pednekar. It is a crime drama film directed by Abhishek Chaube, he has already directed so many good films like Udta Punjab, Ishqiya and Dedh Ishqiya. This film tells the horrifying tales of dacoity in the Chambal region during the 1975 Emergency. The trailer is really amazing, so many Bollywood good actors like Manoj Bajpayee, Ranvir Shorey, Ashutosh Rana are in lead role. The trailer has so many amazing dialogues, lines which are delivered by actors. Sonchiriya will release on February 8.
Get: Sonchiriya Best Dialogues
Get: Sonchiriya Best Dialogues