John Abraham upcoming movie 'Batla House' first poster has released now, Again he is playing a role of a cop. Just like John Abraham's last movie, Satyameva Jayate, Batla House will also be released on next Independence Day. The film is based on the real incident Batla House encounter, known as Operation Batla House. It was occurred on a date 19 September 2008 in Delhi's Jamia Nagar locality, in which two suspected terrorists were killed while two other suspects Mohammad Saif and Zeeshan were arrested.
Read more: Batla House encounter
The film 'Batla House' is directed by Nikkhil Advani, this is John Abraham's third collaborative project with this director. Batla House will release on Independence Day next year. I hope, the film will be a big hit. Here you can find the first look and poster of Batla House.