Hanuman Da’ Damdaar trailer has released now, this is an upcoming animated adventure movie directed by Ruchi Narain and produced by R.A.T Films and RNB Films and distributed by Rajesh Thadani. In this movie so many Bollywood actor and actress gave background voice for different different role, Stars are Salman Khan, Javed Akhtar, Raveena Tandon, Vinay Pathak, Makrand Deshpande, Saurabh Shukla, Chunky Pandey, Kunal Khemu, Sneha Khanwalkar & Hussain Dalal. The film is made for children to have fun and learn something from movie. Salman Khan is giving background voice for Hanuman Ji. Hanuman Da’ Damdaar releases in theatres on 19th May, 2017. I have also shared one best dialogues of this film "Jahn na pahunche super man..Vahn pahunche Hanuman"
Hanuman Da Damdaar Movie Official Trailer Out
Wednesday, April 19, 2017