Varun Dhawan & Alia Bhatt upcoming film Badrinath Ki Dulhania first look has out. This is the next sequel of Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania. This was a big hit movie. People are excited for their upcoming film. Badrinath ki Dulhania movie is directed by Shashank Khaitan and produced by Hiroo Yash Johar and karan Johar. This is romantic comedy movie like Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhaniya. Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt are playing main lead role in movie. This movie is sechulded to release on 10 march 2017.
Varun Dhawan & Alia Bhatt Looking Stunning In Badrinath Ki Dulhania
Both are looking awesome. Varun and Alia recently shot together at the roller coaster rides in Universal Studios in Singapore and they had a ball of time during their Singapore shoot. We have collected some images and wallpapers of Varun And Alia Bhatt. Check out some pictures from their Singapore schedule.
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