Do Raste is Most popular movie in 1969. Do Raste Movies had released on 5 December 1969. Do Raste Movie had produced by Khosla and produced by Raj Khosla. We have shared here Do Raste Movies famous dialogue with you. If you want to download this Movie dialogue then you can download from our page we have shared with you this movie famous dialogue with you. You can download as much as possible. there is no charge for these dialogues. If you want to know more about the Do Raste movie then you can take a look from below, we have shared with you brief information about the Do Raste Movie
Directed by Raj Khosla
Produced by Raj Khosla
Starring Rajesh Khanna
Music by Laxmikant Pyarelal
Release dates 5 December 1969
Do Raste Movie Best Dialogues
Paisa kamane ke do raaste hai ... ek shortcut aur doosra chota shortcut
Life badi kutti cheez hai ... aur is duniya mein kutton ka bas ek hi jawaab hai
Zindagi mein hamari vaat isse nahi lagti ki hum kaunsa raasta chunte hai ... vaat lagti hai isse ki hum kaunsa raasta chhodte hai
Business is business and power is power
I like bitches!
Kalyug mein zindagi badi kaiyan hai ... aur log maha kaminey
Mere har jhoot ki niyat sachi hai
Hum log ki race mein ghoda bhaagta hi nahi hai ... girata hai
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