Rustom is the upcoming Bollywood movie Of Akshay Kumar. This movie is directed by Tinu Suresh Desai and produced by Neeraj Pandey. Akshay Kumar and Ileana D'Cruz are in main lead roles. Akshay Kumar is playing Naval Officer and Ileana is playing his Wife. The Movie is based on real life incident of Naval Officer K.M. Nanavati. Based on true events, Rustom is a gripping tale about Pride, Passion and Power, and a man who must his uphold his own integrity and that of the nation. The Traler of the movie is released Today. The Movie is going to release on date 12 August 2016.
Rustom Movie Trailer Out | Akshay Kumar, Ileana D'Cruz
Rustom Movie Trailer Out | Akshay Kumar, Ileana D'Cruz
Directed : Tinu Suresh Desai
Produced : Neeraj Pandey, Aruna Bhatia, Nittin Keni, Akash Chawla
Screenplay : Vipul K Rawal
Story : Vipul K Rawal
Starring : Akshay Kumar, Ileana D'Cruz, Arjan Bajwa, Esha Gupta
Music : Ankit Tiwari, Jeet Ganguly, Raghav Sachar
Cinematography : Santosh Thundiyil
Production company : Zee Studio
Release dates : 12 August 2016