Great WhatsApps Collection, Motivational WhatsApp Sataus Quotes Collection, Great People WhatsApp Status Quotes, Best Motivational WhatsApp Quotes, Top Great Whatsapp Quotes, Inspiring WhatsApp Quotes Collection
Inspiring WhatsApp Status Quotes Collection 2015
Inspiring WhatsApp Status Quotes Collection 2015
We are all in gutter, But Some of us are looking at the stars.
- Oscar Wide
Great Minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events,Small Minds discuss people.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
I have never tried to compare myself to anyone else.
- Napoleon Hill
Mind is never a problem.Mindset is...................!
- Narender Modi
It's important to learn to laugh at ourselves, don't take life too seriously.
- Geri Halliwell
The day I am not able to fly will be a sad day for me.
- Ratan Tata
You Must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
- Indira Ghandhi
A man is great by deed, Not by Birth.
- Chanakya
Hard work never brings fatigue, It brings Satisfaction.
- Narendra Modi
Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, You can achieve the impossible.
- Shiv Khera
In order to excel, You must be completely dedicated.
- Willie Mays
You renew yourselfs everyda. Somethings you are successful, Sometimes you are not, but it's the average that counts.
- Satya Nadella
Be a good listener. You ears will never get you in trouble.
- Frank Tyger
Ignorance is always afraid of change.
- Jawaharlal Neharu
Dreams are fuel of life, bigger the dreams, bigger is the life.
- Nadeem Kazi